Frequently Asked Questions

How do you set a frames-per-second while using contexts?

You’ll need to use an external tool to manage the framerate. This can either be your own custom tool or you can copy the Clock class from the example.

I get No module named 'tcod' when I try to import tcod in PyCharm.

PyCharm will automatically setup a Python virtual environment for new or added projects. By default this virtual environment is isolated and will ignore global Python packages installed from the standard terminal. In this case you MUST install tcod inside of your per-project virtual environment.

The recommended way to work with PyCharm is to add a requirements.txt file to the root of your PyCharm project with a requirement specifier for tcod. This file should have the following:

# requirements.txt

Once this file is saved to your projects root directory then PyCharm will detect it and ask if you want these requirements installed. Say yes and tcod will be installed to the virtual environment. Be sure to add more specifiers for any modules you’re using other than tcod, such as numpy.

Alternatively you can open the Terminal tab in PyCharm and run pip install tcod there. This will install tcod to the currently open project.

How do I add custom tiles?

Libtcod uses Unicode to identify tiles. To prevent conflicts with real glyphs you should decide on codepoints from a Private Use Area before continuing. If you’re unsure, then use the codepoints from 0x100000 to 0x10FFFD for your custom tiles.

Normally you load a font with tcod.tileset.load_tilesheet() which will return a Tileset that gets passed to’s tileset parameter. tcod.tileset.load_tilesheet() assigns the codepoints from charmap to the tilesheet in row-major order.

There are two ways to extend a tileset like the above:

  • Increase the tilesheet size vertically and update the rows parameter in tcod.tileset.load_tilesheet() to match the new image size, then modify the charmap parameter to map the new tiles to codepoints. If you edited a CP437 tileset this way then you’d add your new codepoints to the end of tcod.tileset.CHARMAP_CP437 before using the result as the charmap parameter. You can also use Tileset.remap if you want to reassign tiles based on their position rather than editing charmap.

  • Or do not modify the original tilesheet. Load the tileset normally, then add new tiles with Tileset.set_tile with manually loaded images.